Thursday, March 28, 2013

Throwback Thursday: 2009

I was going through some of my photography the other day and landed on one of my personal favorites, taken way back in 2009. I thought why not start  "Throwback Thursdays" here on the blog where I post work I've done in the past! This week's image was not produced through my handheld camera. This type of photography is called scanography and it's exactly what it sounds like, "scanner photography". Using a scanner to take an image. Though not taken with my camera, I love this picture very much.

When writing a little about the image here is what I wrote: "I don't have much to say [about the photograph], I just really like the eerie feeling, especially since you can't see the eyes, it also feels as though the person is trapped and I like that hair-raising emotion it sends out, almost like the person who is trapped is unable to breath."

2009 - Scanography