Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Finding My Work

In 2011, I made a short documentary about a single mother, Ruth Hovsepian, who talks about what it's like being a single parent and how she's supported her family. (If you haven't seen it yet, you can view it below.)

Some time last year while browsing the web, my mother came across my work online! Of course I was really excited that it was being distributed by a website/blog other then my own. I wondered if there were any other places online that I could find with my work, and I did! (Posted below.) Today, I decided to quickly look online again to see if anyone else has posted about it or has linked it and I did find someone on tumblr who posted a link to video. It's nice to see that it's out there! :)

Here's a screen shot of the webpage:

Single Mom: A Short Documentary

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