Saturday, June 8, 2013

30 Day "Photography" Challenge

Hey all,

So I recently started a 30 day "photography" challenge on instagram. I put quotation marks around photography because I don't necessarily pull out my Canon 5D to capture these images, I've just been using my plain and basic cellphone camera. I'm thinking I should challenge myself at the end of 30 days and start another 30 days, but this time using my real camera. We'll just have to see how it goes!

Here's a little peak at some of the shots I've been taking, to see the rest be sure to follow me on instagram (@alexislivingstonphotography) or visit online (



If you decide  to join in on the fun make sure you hashtag #ALP_Studio so I can be sure to see your images! :)

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Throwback Thursday: 2009

Another Throwback Thursday, here's one from 2009 when I first started my photography program. I remember taking this picture as though it was last week. I have three different girls come in and I put jewels on their faces. I used pearls on one girl, black rhinestones on another and clear rhinestones on the girl below, each jewelled design was different. I loved it then and I still love it now, even if I see little thing or two I would change, but hey, 4 years in photography makes a huge difference! ;)

Find the other two images on my pinterest board: My Photography Board

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

New Project: LUXE lingerie

For those of you who either know me or follow me on facebook (Facebook Page), you've probably heard that I have a new project going on. So for those of you who don't know, I've started a new project selling new "old stock" vintage lingerie. It's called LUXE lingerie and what it is we are doing is selling brand new pieces of lingerie that are old stock. Here are some images of our products. What's your favorite piece?

If you're interest in seeing more of what we sell you can follow us on facebook (LUXE lingerie).

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Throwback Thursday: 2009

I was going through some of my photography the other day and landed on one of my personal favorites, taken way back in 2009. I thought why not start  "Throwback Thursdays" here on the blog where I post work I've done in the past! This week's image was not produced through my handheld camera. This type of photography is called scanography and it's exactly what it sounds like, "scanner photography". Using a scanner to take an image. Though not taken with my camera, I love this picture very much.

When writing a little about the image here is what I wrote: "I don't have much to say [about the photograph], I just really like the eerie feeling, especially since you can't see the eyes, it also feels as though the person is trapped and I like that hair-raising emotion it sends out, almost like the person who is trapped is unable to breath."

2009 - Scanography

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Finding My Work

In 2011, I made a short documentary about a single mother, Ruth Hovsepian, who talks about what it's like being a single parent and how she's supported her family. (If you haven't seen it yet, you can view it below.)

Some time last year while browsing the web, my mother came across my work online! Of course I was really excited that it was being distributed by a website/blog other then my own. I wondered if there were any other places online that I could find with my work, and I did! (Posted below.) Today, I decided to quickly look online again to see if anyone else has posted about it or has linked it and I did find someone on tumblr who posted a link to video. It's nice to see that it's out there! :)

Here's a screen shot of the webpage:

Single Mom: A Short Documentary

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

2013 - New Year & Surprises

I can't believe the end of January is already here! I feel like it was yesterday we were standing out in the cold counting down to new year. I know that 2013 holds a lot of new surprises for me. Everyone loves surprises! This year, why not surprise your friends with a photoshoot! Know a woman who loves to feel glamorous? Present her with one of our Glamour Portrait sessions! Know a lovely mother to be? Give her the gift of a maternity shoot. Often times, mothers-to-be are preparing for the arrival of the baby that they just don't take the time to schedule a shoot. Help them out by buying them a gift voucher, they'll thank you later!